The Portland Board of Education accepted and adopted the Mathematics Curriculum Alignment Report put forth through the work of the Content Area Teacher Leaders, Curriculum Review Committee and Curriculum Advisory Council. Below is a brief overview of critical components.
Instruction: Everyday Math - Presumpscot, Riverton, Hall
Envision - Longfellow, Reiche, Peaks, Ocean Ave, Lyseth, East End
Assessment: Piloting of Childrens' Progress (NWEA) K-2, fall administration of NWEA 3-5
Middle School
Instruction: Continuation of the implementation plan Y2 for UCSMP and use of the workshop model for instruction.
Assessment: fall administration of NWEA 6-8
High School
Instruction: Implementation of Algebra 1 for grade 9 at PHS & DHS and use of the workshop model for instruction.
Assessment: fall administration of NWEA 9-10; NWEA end-of-course assessments for Algebra1, Algebra2 and Geometry.